lunes, 15 de junio de 2015


an sismo are shaken or sudden movements of the area, generally, produced by tectonic disturbances (caused by forces that have his origin inside the Earth) or volcanic (produced by the extrusion of magma towards the surface). In both cases there is a liberation of accumulated energy that is transmitted in the shape of elastic waves, causing vibrations and oscillations to his step across the solid rocks of the mantle and the lithosphere up to 'arriving' at the terrestrial surface. Also, the sismos is a quake or a jolt of the land for internal reasons. The term is synonymous of earthquake or tremor, though in some geographical regions the concepts of earthquake or tremor are in use for referring to quakes of minor intensity that an earthquake.


  •  tectonics : It refers to that earthquakes are caused by the displacement of the plates that form the crust.The largest areas of greatest seismic activity are those which also occur deeper earthquakes (200-600 km). According to what you just indicated higher intensity earthquakes are located in the deeper areas where the friction between the plates (Benioff zone) occur.When the plates are subjected to greater stresses to which they can withstand, fracturing allow them to release the accumulated pressure extending in concentric waves, in the case of the San Andreas Fault (California).The tectonic cause is that more generates earthquakes because the seismic zones coincide with areas of impact or friction plates.

  •  VOLCANIC: It is rare, but when the eruption is violent generates large shocks that affect mainly to nearby places, but nevertheless its scope is limited compared with those of tectonic origin, affecting large areas.

  •   SINKING:When the inner bark, has produced the erosive action of groundwater, leaves a vacuum, which ends up giving in to the weight of the top, is this fall that generates vibrations, which in this case would be that We know as earthquakes. Its occurrence is rare and of small size.

  •   ATOMIC EXPLOSION:Those done as essays, seems to relate to earthquakes. This is the case of the six nuclear tests France carried out in 1996 on the atoll of Mururoa, which is located in the Tuamotu Archipelago (French Polynesia).

The main consequences are:
  • Damage to buildings: The buildings may suffer mild to severe damage, depending on the quality of design and construction. Fires occur when an earthquake causes short circuit, leakage of gas or fuel contact with electrical appliances
  • Landslides: Earthquakes produce landslides that originate from unstable slopes
  • Soil liquefaction: It happens in the loose sandy soils with high water content. They lose their ability to support during an earthquake, which results in the collapse of buildings.
  •  Rising rivers and streams: They occur when the dams break and when landslides plug the course of rivers and streams
  • Impact on population: The direct and indirect damage that could cause an earthquake and related side events this could cause a large number of deaths, injuries (physical trauma and burns), people trapped, missing and lost.

view of the relationship of religion and the sismos:

Each religion have their different ways of thinking, para Some earthquakes child by woman improperly dressed, OTHER para is a punishment from God.

history of evangelical

The development of evangelical churches in Chile dates back to the nineteenth century. The fact that previously have not developed answers to many causes, including the hegemony of the Catholic Church in the country. The circumstances that led to the emergence of evangelical churches was the flowering of liberal ideas and the emergence of ruling groups for whom values ​​such as tolerance and freedom of thought were essential. European immigration, mainly from eingleses Germans, also influenced this process and they brought their churches of origin, as was the case of the Anglican and evangelical mission luterana.La began in the last decades of the nineteenth century. With a basically urban proselytizing intent, with the exception of an Anglican mission in the Mapuche area gradually evangelical churches were marking presence in large cities. Thanks to the secularizing zeal of an important part of Chilean society, an example of which was the establishment of laicasbajo laws the government of Domingo Santa Maria, and the visit of anticlerical recognized as David Trumbull, were emerging in Chile non-Catholic Christian churches and Educational institutions in society helps implement the new way of living Christianity, more individualistic and liberal than the Church Católica.La promoted by religious diversity became increasingly clear in Chilean society. In 1909 the Methodist Pentecostal Church, which despite suffering a schism in the early 1930s, became evangelical church in Chile laprincipal emerged. The evangelical population grew at a particularly strong pace from 1930 onwards, when evangelicals were recognized as less than two percent of the población.Durante the military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, evangelical churches played an important social recognition, largely product rift between the government and the Catholic Church by this firm position in defending human rights. Symbol that was the inauguration of the Evangelical Cathedral 1974 and, above all, the realization of the first Te Deum in the year evangelical 1975.En present, according to the 2002 census, evangelicals are the second most religious country. The 15.14 percent of the Chilean population professes the evangelical religion, three points higher than the rate detected ten years ago, compared to 69.96 percent is Catholic. Their presence in popular urban areas is evident; their shepherds have applied for elected positions and their hierarchy coexists harmoniously with the Catholic Church, thus becoming an important pillar of contemporary Chilean society.

Main representatives:

  • Tags: Argentina, Integral Catholicism, Eglise, evangelical Eglises, XXeSiècle
  • Keywords: Argentina, Church, evangelical churches, a member of Catholicism, the twentieth century
  • Keywords: Argentina, comprehensive Catholicism, Church, Evangelical Churches, Twentieth Century

who they believe the sismo evangelicals?

An sismo is a sudden tremor or shaking of land caused by displacement of rocks deep underground. It arises where the shaking is called the epicenter. This is human or scientific definition.
It is no secret that the earthquakes stop loss in every way, whether economic, human, emotional.

In this same teaching, the Bible gives his version of earthquakes and tremors, very different from what human science explains, when different quotes attributed to the control and will of the Creator (God) for his anger and wrath sin and corruption as holy thing. Numbers 16: 1 to 35.

My dear brothers and friends, surely God is not pleased, nor was glad to cause an earthquake in a village, a nation, a place, but there biblical evidence showing that the wrath of a holy God (away from evil and contrary sin) we somehow is outraged by the increase in corruption and evil in every way globally with different types of punishment, as was the flood in the days of Noah, and sent fire on Sodom and Gomorrah. Genesis, chapters 6, 18 and 19.

On the other hand, God has given free will to nature, be it sea, land, air, rain, sun, moon, stars, etc., only humans can to a certain extent make decisions, go places, obey or not the Creator, but the earth is not shaking order when she wants, or to the desired level, God controls the universe we see or not.

Brothers and friends, when God came down on Mount Sinai to give the Ten Commandments to Moses and view of all the people of Israel, this Monteo trembled and shuddered, as Exodus 19:18. When Jesus Christ died on the cross there was an earthquake caused by the heavenly Father in demonstration of disagreement with the death of his son, although he allowed for the sake of our salvation through the sacrifice of His Son, Matthew chapter 28.

Brothers and friends, other biblical quotations tremors and earthquakes caused by God we have, when Paul and brother Silas were jailed and imprisoned for preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ in a town called Philippi, while praying and singing to God, the place She trembled and all the cells were opened and the chains that bound them fell in the presence of the Lord. Acts 16:26 and as a sign of the end times and confirmation that the return of the Lord Jesus Christ is coming, he said: "There will be earthquakes in various places".

Moreover, in the Book of Revelation the strongest earthquakes are recorded on a global and intercontinental level that says God will bring on the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity, and the rejection of his children and his commandments and teaching in general, where cities of the nations fall and islands will be removed from its place and there is no way to change the collective future, no way to change the prophecies written in the Bible

Do you think that earthquakes happen by chance? Can the earth tremble as you think, but die a few thousand? Could it be that God has a way of speaking when earthquakes occur? Are we safe to dwell in the land, without thinking about eternal life and not worry that at any time we can go from here? Do you plan to keep you entertained with all existing diversions without seeking God in your life? Did you know that here we will stay not know ?.

Inevitably earthquakes continue happening and will increase and all these are the beginning of sorrows, so as not know what to do next, nor where happen, let us take, while we can please God, seeking salvation in Jesus Christ, the only way to to the Father, before he comes or call us with physical death. We use the time that God gives us and we take false prophets or politicians who only speak of peace and the material blessing and not warn of the danger of not living according to God's standards. John 14: 6; John 3:16; John 5:24 30.

We know what an earthquake is, what causes it, what its causes and consequences, as we have seen from near and far. God have mercy on us ...

May the Lord bless you and help us all ...

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